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Implementation Plan

Major concern 1:   To consolidate students; self-regulated learning through eLearning platform

  • Establish self-access resource bank on eclass
  • Improve reading and promote self-regulated learning through Raz-Kids
  • Promote self-regulated learning through integrated task on e-platform


Major concern 2: To enhance students’ English attainment level and enrich English learning environment through cross-disciplinary language curriculum

  • Curriculum Mapping of four subjects for LAC
  • Enrich English environment
  • Work with other subjects and/or committees to conduct different learning activities in English on LAC Days


Major concern 3: To foster culture of caring campus and expand the scope of life planning programme

  • Turn ELSAC into a welcoming and inviting place to study in
  • Recognise students’ effort through classroom display
  • Promote students’ learning through Reading Award Scheme
  • Encourage students to join activities and/or competitions to build up a sense of achievement
  • To offer opportunity for senior form students to consider career options
  • Celebrate student achievement


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