

New World

2A Wong Nok Yin


        My unforgettable experience was the first time to go camping. It was the first time I left my father and mother, and stayed together with other children that were strangers to me.


        When I was eight years old, I joined the Scouts. They held a camp for three days. The night before the camp, my mother told me the camp would help me to be more mature and she helped me pack my luggage. I could not sleep that night.


        When I was in the camp, it seemed like a new world to me. I was very afraid because I could not live without my family.


        Fortunately, the other children helped me and I found that camp was not so horrible actually. It was fun and exciting. I thought to myself I would be mature after that camp, and I regarded this camp as an experience. It was the most important experience in my life.


        On the second day of the camp, we had a barbecue and had a lot of fun on that day. At that night, I felt safer with my roommates, and the relationship between my roommates and me was improved. So I could get to sleep easily.


        On the third day, it was time to leave the campsite and go back home. I missed these children. They all helped me a lot, and I felt thankful to them. In the beginning, we did not know each other, but we are friends until now. 


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