附件 : 更換冬季校服事宜
敬啟者:鑑於近日天氣開始轉涼,冬天將至,校方決定於二零一五年十一月二十三日(星期一)為全校學生更換整齊冬季校服日子。而由二零一五年十一月九日(星期一)至二零一五年十一月二十日(星期五)是更換冬季校服的交替期,學生於該段期間可選擇穿著全套整齊夏季或全套整齊冬季校服回校。故敬請 貴家長為子女準備合適及整齊的冬季校服。
請於二零一五年十一月二日(星期一)將填妥之回條逕交班主任。如有任何疑問,請致電2443 9899向各班班主任或訓導組老師查詢,敬希垂注。
TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College
Administration Circular033/15-16
Changing to the Winter Uniform
30th October 2015
Dear Parents
The weather is getting cool and all students are required to change into their winter uniform starting from 23rd November, 2015 (Monday). In the meantime, from 9th November, 2015 (Monday) to
20th November, 2015 (Friday), students are allowed to wear either summer school uniform or winter school uniform on their own choices.
Please kindly return the signed reply slip to the class teacher on or before 2nd November, 2015 (Monday). Please feel free to contact the class teacher or the discipline teachers on 2443 9833 if you have any questions. |