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附件 : 上學期統一測驗時間表及範圍






敬啟者:本學年上學期統一測驗將於二零一五年十月十九日(星期一)至十月三十日(星期五)舉行。隨函附上「統一測驗時間表」及各科「統一測驗溫習一覽表」兩份,敬請 貴家長督促 貴子弟努力溫習,以爭取更佳之學業成績及表現。如有疑問,可致電2443 9899與班主任或楊世倫老師或鄭慶珠老師聯絡。







TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College

Administration Circular028/15-16

1st Term Uniform Test


9th October 2015


Dear Parents


The 1st Term Uniform Test will be held from 19th October to 30th October 2015. The timetable and syllabus are enclosed for your reference. Please encourage your child to work hard so as to get a better result.



Please kindly return the signed reply slip on or before 15th October 2015 (Thursday) to the class teacher. Please free feel to contact the class teacher or Mr. Yeung Sai Lun or Miss Cheng Hing Chu on 2443 9833 if you have any questions. 

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