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附件 : 高中堂費事宜







請 貴家長於二零一五年九月七日(星期一)或以之前,將已簽妥之回條及繳付費用逕交校務處,以便統籌辦理。若以支票付款,支票抬頭請寫上「東華三院馬振玉紀念中學法團校董會」,並於支票背後寫上  貴子弟之姓名及班別。若對通告內容有任何查詢,請致電2443 9833歐全明副校長聯絡。





TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College

Administration Circular 009/15-16

Tong Fai for Senior Form Students*


1st September 2015


Dear Parents


According to the 2007 Policy Address, the government will fully subsidise students in aided secondary school, including senior secondary education. However, under the authorisation of the Education Bureau (EDB), our school is allowed to collect HK$310 as Tong Fai to support educational expenses.

Please kindly return the signed reply slip on or before 7th September 2015 (Monday) and make payment at the General Office by Octopus. Payment by cheque should be made payable to “The IMC of TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College” and please write down the name and class of the student on the back of the cheque. Please feel free to contact Mr. Au Chuen Ming (Vice-principal) on 2443 9833 if you have any questions. 

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