附件 : 中三級校本評核試
敬啟者:本校將自十一月起為中三級推行一系列以中、英、數科目為主的評核試,以了解學生現時學習水平及需要,用以制定合適的教學策略,改善學生的學習成效。有關測驗將分三階段進行,首次階段於放學後舉行,第二、第三階段則於放學後及星期六舉行。是次測驗成績將計算在學生全學年成績中,敬請 貴家長督促 貴子弟按時出席測驗,並努力溫習,以爭取最佳成績。評核試時間表詳見附件。
請於二零一五年十一月二日(星期一),填妥回條逕交班主任。如對上述安排有任何查詢,請致電2443 9899與陳惠芳老師聯絡。
TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College
Administration Circular034/15-16
S3 School-based Assessment
30th October 2015
Dear Parents
With a view to assessing the academic levels of our students in order to develop effective teaching strategies, all F.3 students are required to attend the school-based assessment including 3 core subjects: Chinese, English and Mathematics.
The assessment will be divided into 3 stages. In the first stage, tests are held after school while in the second and third stage, students will take the tests either after school or on Saturday. The results of the assessment will be included in students’ final academic report. We hope that students can attend each assessment punctually and do their best to achieve the best result. The schedule of the assessment is shown in the attachment.
Please kindly return the signed reply slip to the class teacher on 2nd November 2015 (Monday). Please feel free to contact Miss Maggie Chan on 2443 9899 if you have any questions.