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附件 : 「派發上學期統測成績報告單」





敬啟者:本校謹訂於二零一五年十一月十八日(星期三)派發上學期『統測成績報告單』。  貴子弟誠宜在本學年餘下之學習時間,繼續努力改善,以爭取良好之學習表現。


有關本校升留班準則已詳載於「學生手冊」第十六頁內。如有任何疑問,或在學業上需要校方提供特別的輔導及支援,可致電2443 9899與班主任聯絡。





TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College

Administration Circular038/15-16

Academic Report of the 1st term Uniform Test


18th November 2015


Dear Parents


The Academic Report of the 1st term Uniform Test will be released on 18th November 2015 (Wednesday). Students are encouraged to put more effort on their study in order to attain better academic performances and achievements in the 1st Term Examination.



For the criteria of promotion of students, parents may refer to P.16 of the Student’s Handbook for more details. Please feel free to contact the class teacher on 2443 9899 if you have any questions or nee d any academic guidance and assistance. 


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