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附件 : 公益金便服日事宜





敬啟者:本校將於二零一五年十月八日(星期四)舉行公益金便服日籌款活動。「便服日」為公益金其中一項大型籌款活動,多年來備受教育界支持及重視。該活動能幫助社會上有需要的人,更是良好的公民教育課題,敬希  貴家長鼓勵  貴子弟參與此項富教育意義的籌款活動,共襄善舉。


舉凡有意參加者,請填妥下列回條,並連同捐款,於二零一五年九月十四日(星期一)逕交班主任(如以支票捐款,抬頭請寫:東華三院馬振玉紀念中學法團校董會,並於支票背後寫上  貴子弟之姓名及班別。),學生經校方核准後即可於活動當日穿著便服回校上課,一同體驗為善最樂之精神。


參加公益金便服日的學生衣著打扮必須樸素、簡單,下身及外套以樸素、舒適為主,不可化妝、染髮、戴帽、配戴飾物、穿著暴露或奇裝異服。為安全起見,學生嚴禁穿短褲、露趾鞋、高跟鞋或鬆糕鞋回校。如有任何疑問,請致電2443 9899與班主任或鄭慶珠老師聯絡。






TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College

Activity Circular 002/15-16

The Community Chest Dress Casual Day 2015¯


11th September 2015


Dear Parents


The Community Chest Dress Casual Day 2015” (Dress Casual Day) will be held on 8th October 2015 (Thursday). Students can join this activity by making donation in any amount. The fund raised will be used to help the needy in Hong Kong.


Dress Casual Day has been supported by over 500 schools in Hong Kong last year. It is a major fund raising event of The Community Chest. It is not only meaningful, but also civic education in practice.


On Dress Casual Day, students should dress comfortably in simple, neat and plain clothing. Make-up, hair dye, hats, caps, unpermitted accessories or any clothing which displays inappropriate message is not allowed. For safety reasons, students should wear shoes which completely cover their toes. Shorts, flip-flops and any high-heel shoes are strictly prohibited.



Please kindly return the signed reply slip and the donation (cash or crossed cheque made payable to “The IMC of TWGHs C.Y. Ma Memorial College” and please write down the name and class of the student on the back of the cheque.) to the class teacher on 14th September 2015 (Monday). Please feel free to contact the class teacher or Ms H.C. Cheng on 2443 9899 if you have any questions. 

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