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iPad Treasure Hunt
Students were scanning the QR code with an iPad.
English Ambassadors assisted students.
Non-English teachers were also interested in using iPad in teaching and learning.
Let's take a group photo after the Treasure Hunt.
Ms Pamela Chan and her students enjoyed the activity!
3B Kelly Chan was illustrating the use of iPad.
3A Siu Chin Ting was a well-trained English Ambassador.
We've found the QR code!
How many computers are there in ELSAC?
1B Song Man Pok was the group leader.
3A Jasper was helping the participant!
Let's find our Principal's car and answer the questions!
iPad and pocket wifi devices are supported by the EDB.
Seizing every moment to complete the tasks!
EDB Department of IT in Education provided us with professional technical support!
Students and teachers are looking forward to the results!
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